
Currently we are working on improvements to our tools, including offering multiple new APIs, with more to come. The items listed below do not have a guaranteed timeline--we provide this for informational purposes only. Questions or feedback can be shared to

Our full tools roadmap is below:

Calculator Embed

  • Offer the ability to filter the embedded calculator by 'item' to only display specific projects.

Incentives API

  • EXPANDED COVERAGE: state, utility and local incentives, with a focus on heat pumps and heat pump water heaters
  • A new API call to return all Programs
  • Ability to provide an 'Authority' and return all Incentives for that 'Authority'
  • Make the tax filing status optional in the Find eligible incentives GET request

State and local coverage is available now in our embeddable calculator and API in the following states:

  • AZ, CO, CT, DC, GA, IL, ME, MI, NV, NY, OR, PA, RI, VA, VT, WI

Additional coverage is expected in 2025, with most immediate plans for IN, MA, MN, and NM. Our goal is to have 50 state coverage for heat pumps and heat pump water heaters by the end of 2025.

We are also evaluating:

  • the ability to query incentives without demographic or geographic location
  • the ability to query the incentives API progressively, without disclosing all parameters up front